Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Laos needs changes

In the history of humanity, there have been evidences that all governments have tried to find ways to bring about best things for their country. However, the word "best" for some governments may be different from others depending on the vision of that government. Some governments, for example current Laos government, have a very narrow vision because of many reasons such as education level of leaders, form of government, and selfishness of the leaders.
As we know that many leaders in Lao government are not well educated. Some who are educated, they were educated either in the very old systems or in the socialist systems that have become obsolete in today's economic systems. The systems that do not promote new ideas that will result competitive changes. The Lao government claims that they are doing their best already because that is all they can see. They do not see the rest of the world. They compare Laos to what it looked like 40 years ago. Of course, their have been changes, but not the ways we want t see.
The form of government is another reason why Laos has changed so slow. Many countries in the world have struggled for changes one way or another. All of them, including the hard core communist countries such as Russia and China, tried to achieve the same goal which is a democratic form of government. This goal will not be fully achieved without making a fundamental change which is switching to a multi-party form of government as fast as possible. The multi-party government will at least allow variety of ideas decision making process of the government. The slogan, "the revolution party is specialist in all field of knowledge"that  the  Lao government has promoted should be eliminated from the education system in Laos.
The third reason of slow changes in Laos is the selfishness of many high ranking government officials. These officials know that the country need changes, but they cannot allow changes to happen for fearing that they could lose powers that are their sources of wealth. As we all know now the wealthiest families are associated with the high ranking government officials. That is why these officials do not want any changes that will allow check and balance to be part of the policy making process that will, in turn, expose their corrupt systems. These officials always claim that all sources of societal problems are created by capitalist form of government and ist market economy because they want to be market owners themselves.

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